Monday, October 15, 2012

She Had What Was Coming to Her...

...she brought this upon herself

...she deserved to die

...she was an attention whore

...just another slut

...shoulda drank more bleach

Those are some of the things I have sadly been reading on Facebook and Twitter about this Amanda Todd girl.  If you arent familiar with the story, let this video fill in the blanks for you:

 **As a disclaimer, if you havent read my past blogs about my own struggle, I suggest you do, just so you can understand why I feel the way I do.  It goes without saying that I have been there so many times.

This girl recently committed suicide which has stormed up a ton of controversy.  People have been jumping all over this story saying that she was bullied until she died.  I think most people would agree with that statement, yet I continue to see people make a joke out of it. 

You think a 15 year old girl deserved to die, huh?  You think she had it coming?  If you truly believe that, you obviously have no heart.  She was alone through all of this torture. 

Shes a young, impressionable child.  Dont most 15 year old girls go boy crazy?  I dont know many that dont.  She got attention in a negative way, which is definitely not unheard of.  Think back to all the dumb things we did when we were young to get attention.  That doesnt mean that people have the right to torture you.  So this sent her into depression/anxiety/panic attacks, which is more than debilitating. 

She tried to move schools many times to get away from it all, but people basically stalked her to torment her instead of letting it go, making her depression worse.  Then she goes off with a guy who claimed he liked her, but basically just used her as a joke. (Ive been there a few times, and i think we all have).  So this kids girlfriend decides to call attention to her and punch her in the face.  Hey guess what, YOUR BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON YOU, i'm pretty sure HE was in the wrong here as well.  Depression gets worse, she commits suicide, which she tried 2x before, as her peers continuously coaxed her to do.

Listen, regardless of how you feel about how this girl screwed up and "brought in upon herself," you DO NOT have any right to make light of the situation.  Look at the video she made...put yourself in her situation for one freaking second.  Imagine yourself getting followed and tortured and used and stalked.  She felt like she had no one, and that death was the only answer.  Do you even know how that feels, to want to die??  Well I do, and I wouldnt wish that upon my worst enemy.  Yeah, I'm still here and I didnt take "the easy way out," but not a lot of people have the strength to carry on like I did.  When youre just a kid, you are so impressionable and stupid.  Littlest problems cause you to see no light at the end of the tunnel.  Peers mean everything to young kids.  My issues started after I turned 21, so as an adult, I found it easier to stop myself from not being able to turn back.

Imagine these few situations for one minute here, as painful as this may be...

1. You are alone in your room with a bottle of pain pills that you took from someone else, you feel so alone and worthless that you attempt to take as many pills as you can so the pain all goes away from being made fun of or for being used.  You think its the only way out.  Its the only thing that will make it stop.

2. You hate yourself so much that you chug a bottle of bleach to end it all, and you can feel it burning your insides all the way down. 

3. Youre alone in the bathroom floor with a knife in your hand so you can cut, and if youre lucky, youll cut too deep this time and no one will find you until its too late.

4. You are standing on a chair with a rope around your neck, ready to kick the chair out from underneath yourself to end your life of pain.

Yeah, its really not funny at all.  If you're laughing at this, you're laughing at everyone who has attempted or succeeded in suicide.  You're laughing at me, you're laughing at my cousin (who succeeded this past summer), my neighbor, probably a family member of does that feel, good?  Does it make you feel like you're that much better than everyone?  Well you're makes you a sick, heartless shell of a person.

Doesnt matter what you think, this girl WAS bullied, regardless of her dumb choices.   No one is glorifying her.  They are using it as an example to teach kids what NOT to do.  I think it was a good thing for the media to cover it, so maybe someone can learn.  Learn not to put dumb stuff on the internet, learn that there is always hope and that people do care about you no matter how alone you feel, learn to BE NICE to people around you, learn to not cause drama or continue on with drama from the past, learn to not torture or make fun of other people REGARDLESS of the reason.

A 15 year old girl is dead.  She took her own life. 

What are you going to take from this?