Thursday, October 31, 2013

30 Day Self Harm Challenge: Day 1

So the 30 Day Self Harm Challenge is a list of 30 questions about your personal experiences with self harm.  I've decided to follow along with it and answer the questions daily via my blog.  My purpose is to raise awareness and/or help anyone in need.  As I usually note, these are my personal experiences, so if you have any questions or concerns, please come straight to me and not my family. I am not ashamed or scared to answer anything.  Also, let me remind you that I am clean and have been for a short while now.  So here goes!

Question 1: How long have you been self harming?  Discuss why you started.

Okay, this one's a tough one.  I remember the first time I cut myself in high school...maybe sophomore year, which is about 9 years ago.  it was mostly just to feel the experience.  I don't recall being very depressed at the time.  It started to get bad moreso when I was in college.  I was confused, not accepting of myself or the people around me, I had a 2 year failed relationship under my belt.  I can't really say for sure 'this is why I started.'  It just started happening.  

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