I never grew up with guns in the house, I never shot a gun until i was probably 21 or so, so obviously I am no expert at shooting. I do love it though. It's a wonderful way to get out aggression and have a damn good time doing it.
So as we all know, last week I sort of went though a fit of rage for a couple days for one reason or another...So I decided to call up an old friend...who actually happens to be an ex boyfriend. We had a very shitty breakup in June, and tried to be friends, but we're both hard headed douchebags so that didnt work out. He is a former marine, and a gun toting mad man. Basically, if there's a zombie apocalypse, this is the man you want to have on your side. Back in the Toledo days, he had taken me shooting a couple few times and I grew to love it. He also sorta gave me one of his guns because I basically kick ass with her.
But back to the point...I hadnt talked to him for a long ass time, and decided to give him a ring out of complete madness. I wasnt counting on him answering because of our long history of pissing in eachothers' Cheerios. But he did. I have pretty much always been able to count on him. I basically said "hey listen, Im angry, Im upset, I dont know how to deal with it right now, I need guns." Without question, he told me to get my ass to Toledo stat before I lost my mind and hurt someone or myself. (He is very aware of my depression and how angry I can get at times). So of course, I took him up on his offer.
Fast forward to this weekend. My football boys lost in the regional quarterfinals, I was still letting my breakup eat me alive. I needed guns. Sunday morning I left for the long hike to Toledo. I met
(lets for sake of privacy call him Machine) at his place, we packed up 3 guns: his glock .40 , his AR-15, and my GSG-5 (.22 cal version of an MP5), tons of ammo, and off we went. Of course we needed to stop off for snacks (aka a big giant bag of pretzels for ME and some pop), and on the way down we listened to the angriest of angry music in the camaro - Tool, Rob Zombie, etc. That's just how we roll when we hang out- anger, anger, anger, and pretzels....and anger. I would have been content with listening to angry music while rolling around the countryside all day...but add in guns, and Im a happy girl.

So we get to the range and set up. Filled up 5 mags for my .22, 3 for the glock, and I believe 5 for the AR. And we were ready to go. Now like I said, I am no expert, and I hadnt been shooting for a long ass time before this, at least not with those guns. I semi had to relearn how to lock and load each of them, proper positioning, etc, but I caught on again pretty quick.
The new range Machine belongs to is great. The people there were extremely awesome. Everyone tells stories about their guns and shows them off, they let everyone take a look and hold their guns, they knock on eachother and make jokes- basically everyone there communicates whether they know eachother or not. My favorite part of the day was when I was shooting my GSG with a cig in my mouth, one of the older gentlemen made a comment to me "Look at her shootin' and smokin'!" I turned to him and said "That's right sir, I'm a real woman." How many times do you go somewhere and NO ONE talks to eachother? Its always awesome to meet someone new and share smiles and laughs...and guns ;) Keep that in mind.
I am a sure shot with my GSG- which is the reason she is now my gun. I love her, she has little to no kick, she's badass looking, easy to play around with...I just love her. Could shoot her all day. Towards the end of the day at the range, I may or may not have had a moment with her...aka I hugged her for like 5 minutes before I packed her up.
I have become decent with the AR. I hit the target every time which is great. I know how to lock her and load her. I know how to stand with her and hold her correctly, and I know what to expect when I shoot her. If any of you had ever shot one before, they have a stellar kick to them, and they're heavy as hell for someone my size. But man I'll tell you, the amount of badass that you feel while holding and shooting one...I mean, on a scale from 1-badass, it is holy shit badass.

And then there's the glock. I am definitely not the best at shooting this pistol, mostly because it is a ton bigger than my little hands. It's hard to get a good grip on a gun that doesnt fit you. I have shot this one a couple times before, and Im pretty good, but a smaller gun would be much better for me. She has a nasty kick to her for sure. Again, you pretty much feel like a badass shooting it.
Machine is a pro with each and every one of these guns. He's got all of his certifications and all that legit stuff, and can take apart, clean, and put each of these guns back together pretty much blindfolded. Keep that in mind when I tell you, if you want to go shooting, you need to do it with someone who has experience, and someone that can teach you the right way to handle them. Over a year ago, I was taught how to shoot each gun without putting any bullets in them, just so I can get the proper mechanics down. You need to know your gun before you load it and shoot it.
I'm telling you, this is one of the best ways for me to let go of my anger (besides hitting the weights). I cannot disclose what I said to myself in my head as I shot each bullet, I won't disclose what I saw as the target. Everyone has their own thing going on in their head- but the point is, at the end of the day, you're shooting paper, you're killing paper, you're inflicting harm upon paper. So it's healthy- you arent putting anyone in danger or taking your anger out on anyone physically.
It's just enough to bring you back to sanity for a while.
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