Hello my peeps! Today I have decided to write about tats...other peoples' tats, my own, the stereotypes, and so forth.
As the majority of you know, I have several tattoos that I'm completely proud of. Not everyone knows that side of me. I mean my patients see me on a weekly basis dressed in khakis and a Cleveland Clinic polo or what have you. I look and act very professional, blah blah blah. That's how I got this job. Besides my crazy hair, I look like a pretty "normal" person (I use the term normal very loosely, because there is no such thing). Not many people would guess that I've got 7 tattoos and 00 gauges in my ears. All a part of the stereotyping right? "She looks clean cut and professional...so she's normal."
I guarantee most people that DONT know me would scoff at the mere sight of my tattoos, especially the older generation. My parents don't get it. My mom and dad both think it's a waste of money. Dad once said "cartoon characters are for newspapers," which is funny because I dont have any cartoon character tattoos. He said tattoos "make you look like some white trash hillbilly waitress that makes 8000 a year." Well pops, I work for a pretty bad ass hospital system, and am currently getting my master's degree in exercise physiology. News flash! This chick's doing pretty well for herself.
Mind you, back in the day, tattoos DID mean mostly negative things and all that. It was definitely not the norm. Oh how the times have changed. Tats are pretty much the norm for my generation. In fact, I dont know too many people who DONT have at least one. It all depends on the person. Most people dont look at tattoos as art, but thats exactly what it is- body art, drawn on by amazing artists - an outward sign of something that means something to you...mostly. We all know the idiot who got the stupid tattoo of their ex's name, let's not lie. But at the same time, I cannot judge. People put whatever they want, or dont want, on their own bodies.
The biggest problem we have in this world is a lack of acceptance- whether it be gay people, people that look differently, race and religious issues, right down to the tatty tat tats and the piercings. All I can say is, it isnt your body. You have no right to judge what a person does to their own body. You are not holier than thou. There's a little saying that goes "dont judge a book by its cover." Hiiiii, practice what you preach. If someone chose to NOT get to know me because of the way I dress, look, or cover my body with amazing art, then so be it. Theyre missing out on an awesome person, cuz let's face it, I'm pretty awesome ;)
So I was thinking about writing this one last night, but then was pushed to do it even harder when I saw one of my patient's tattoos today. On the inside of his upper arm, it said "I am fucking sweet." And of course I began to judge. I thought to myself, what the hell was this kid thinking? That's so stupid, blah blah blah. I had to immediately check myself. It may mean something to him, he probably got it for a good reason. Maybe it's a reminder to himself that he is actually fucking sweet. Some people need to be reminded of that constantly. So I cant judge, and neither can anyone else. He got it for a reason, he likes it, it's his body. If you dont like it, look away.
So I want to share with you all my tattoo journey today. I'd like to get out the meanings that each of them has, and give reasons as to why I have them. People tend to understand me more when they understand the meaning behind my tattoos. I love when people ask me about them because I am that proud of each and every one of them! Hopefully I can figure out how to throw pics of them on here as well...
So tattoo #1 I got when I was probably 19. It was one of those...hey I want this moments. Not my brightest moment but I dont regret it. I knew I wanted a celtic cross (i am mostly irish). Maybe something to dedicate to my gramma who had passed when I was 10. She was very Irish and very religious. We have her celtic cross hanging in our living room, and she left me her celtic cross necklace after she passed. So those are the basic reasons. I cant say I thought it through as well as I should have, but as I said, I dont regret it.

Tattoo # 2 was placed on my left foot. It is the kanji symbol for love. At first I had gotten this tattoo as a dedication to the man I was dating at the time. I got the tattoo with both of our favorite colors mixed in (blue and purple). I did decide that no matter if we stay together I will always love him. Well, we broke up, and he's still one of my best friends. After him and I broke up, I got the purple removed and had it straight blue faded to match Jon's infinity symbol tattoo (him and I were dating at the time). All in all, whether this tat was dedicated to someone or not, it's a nice little reminder that love is that important. Dont forget to love- love your family, love your friends, love yourself.

Tattoo #3 is the Maloik (aka Dego Joe). I did post something on facebook as to the story of the maloik. It's an Italian symbol for protection/goodluck/dont fuck with me or i'll fuck with you twice as bad. Google it if you wanna read up on it. This guy has serious meaning to me. My dad had one hanging from him rearview mirror in his old truck, which was moved to his new truck. He got my brother one for his first car, and one for me for my first car. Basically, my dad sat me down and told me the story behind the maloik. In the car, it will help protect you from harm, and if anyone gives you any bad looks, he'll be pointing right back at them. So I got him on my back...get it? He has my back at all times. If I never find a real man, he'll suffice :)

Tat # 4. Peace sign with the lyrics "live for today" underneath. Now all my close friends know that I'm a giant hippie. This whole idea was formulated by my boo, Kate and I after we had attended a concert called the "Happy Together Tour." The Turtles, the Grass Roots, Mickey Dolenz, and so on. Cant get any better than that right? So me and Boo decided we would both get this tattoo to A) commemorate that concert, which was an amazing experience and B) to always remember to live for TODAY! dont live for the past, dont live for the future, live for the here and now. Yeah, I fail at that constantly. But when I look at my shoulder it's a nice reminder.

Tat #5 is the kanji symbol for laugh on my right foot. So now i've got love AND laugh on my feet. Two great reminders to do two very important things. Ive been told a million times that my laugh is contagious, and that I have a great gift of making other people laugh their asses off. I got this tattoo in a time where my laughter was silenced. I needed that little reminder to laugh- laugh it off, make others smile, dont take life too seriously...and purple is my favorite color ever (besides plaid).

Tat #6, my most prized possession. This was 10+ hours of nothing but pain and excitement. The mural is a portrait of Alice slaying the Jabberwocky (from the original Alice in Wonderland book). I love when people ask why the hell Ive got a dragon on my side lol. But no....look at the picture and really think about the meaning. This poor, defenseless, lost little girl was able to take down a giant man eating beast with just a sword and her own will power. This tattoo signified to me that I can take down anything that gets in my way- mainly my struggle with depression. This tattoo does cover up some of the scars I have from the cutting. I got very sick of looking at the carvings that I had made on my own body because I was upset. What a way to cover it all up huh? Now you can look at this one a little differently. Not many people understand why I have it.

Tattoo #7 is on my right thigh. It reads "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Powerful right? It is a direct quote from the movie Shawshank Redemption, which happens to be one of my faves. My best friend Katie and I decided we would get this one together (it's one of her faves as well.) First off, that movie is completely bad ass. It is a movie consisting of people being in peril, and holding onto hope that they will one day escape this peril. Andy Duphresne writes this quote to Red at the end of the movie when Red gets out of jail. And what a quote it is. Never let go of hope. There is ALWAYS hope.
So those are my tats guys. I love each and every one of them. I do have another in the works. It will be dedicated to my Grampa Maher. He was a Cleveland Policeman and died in the line of duty while saving another man. I have never met my gramps, but always hear about what an amazing man he was and how much i would have loved him. He is now in the Police Hall of Fame in Washington DC, and also has a street named after him in Cleveland (Maher Square off of Lakeshore). There is a plaque dedicated to him in front of the BBQ place that resides on that street corner now. Funny joke, I heard gramps LOVED BBQ! SO my next tattoo will be on my left side (mirroring the Alice tat), and will consist of his Cleveland Police badge #988, surrounded by shamrocks, all in black and white. Cool right?
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeelp in summary, dont judge a book by its cover. Get to know people regardless of what they have on their bodies. You never know, you might be inspired and decide to get your own personal body art ;)
Have a good one guys!