Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 In Review

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope 2012 treated you well. 

I give it a 3.5/5 stars, and this is why:

I began my first cycle of power lifting.
I began my last semester as a grad student at CSU.
I became a personal trainer at the JCC.
I turned 24.
I lost my cousin to suicide.
I lost a douchey boyfriend.
I gained a much better one.
I chopped off all my hair.
I was hired as a full time ATC for the Cleveland Clinic.
I changed from working at VASJ to working at Cuyahoga Heights.
I had to have shoulder surgery.
I graduated from CSU with my M.Ed.
I quit a job on bad terms for the first time in my life (best decision ever).
My brother got engaged.
I started my journey to detox from my antidepressants.
Gained a few more tattoos and piercings.
Went to some sweet concerts.
Lost a few friends.
Gained a lot of new ones, and a few derby wives ;)
Started my journey to become a Burning River Roller Girl (tryouts in 18 days JESUS).

Those are the things that stick out most to me that will shape my future.

While welcoming 2013, the topic of resolutions came up in the room.  I listening to people drone on about quitting smoking, working out more, blah blah blah...and when it came to me, I simply stated that I don't believe in the resolution hype.  I no longer see a new year as a new start, but more like a continuance of life.  It's really just a change in date.  Do I have goals for the upcoming year?  Of course I do, but that's for my brain and my heart alone.  I'm not going to make some half assed empty promise in front of a crowd of people that I barely know.  

I'm excited to continue my life, and that's about it. 
